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About us

The LEAGUE Hawaii

 A collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for a particular purpose

  I started TL in 2008 with absolutely nothing but a dream and hustlers ambition. Taught myself how to design and learned along the way. Took a silk screen class to understand color separation and design specifically for that. My family & I printed our very first shirts and I was hooked. It was a chance for me to design and have fun. If people loved what I did, perfect! I had no idea what it would lead to, and I still have zero clue of where we're going or what's possible. But when you see people wearing something you've designed, amazing feeling!

  One of the main reasons I started designing and printing shirts was I was tired of going out and seeing everyone wear the exact same thing as me. lol.  So i designed some shirts, wore it, and people started asking where to get it. One of the main reasons I keep my prints limited. Usually around 55 prints or less

  You don't have to be local to wear the brand. You don't have to be Hawaiian, you don't have to be from Hawaii either. Just try it. The feel, the fit, the quality, the design. If you like it, rock it. The love for the culture and the art we release is all that matters.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for you order to get to you.
Products are all limited quantities!
Some orders are made when an order is placed.